We have a flourishing children’s ministry here in Bollington.
Messy Church

Hugely popular and nationally resourced, Messy Church takes place in St Oswald’s once or twice every term.
For all ages, it’s Church with a difference! Crafts and activities, all-age celebration worship, food and friendship.
Why not come along and try it out? Look out for the next date under ‘Whats on’
All Age Worship
Every First Sunday in each month we have our popular and highly regarded All Age Family Worship at 10.30am for 45 mins. It is a structured but informal service aiming to help you experience God’s presence with a mixture of contemporary and traditional songs and prayers. There are interactive prayer activities for all. This service is regularly attended by 1-year olds and 91-year olds and many ages in between. It will bring some holiness and joy to your Sunday morning once a month.

Little Owls
Our baby and toddler group meets every Tuesday in term time, 9.30am for an hour and a half.
Come for Fun, games, craft, songs, stories, and prayers!

At Little Owls you will get to know other parents and carers, and your child will make friends and learn how to interact. With songs, stories and snacks. Based on Christian values, we will help your child along a good path in life.
Refreshments provided
Just pop in, or for further information contact Jackie Pengelly (Churchwarden) 07887 987082 or Rev Nancy (Vicar) 07895 363038
School & church links are excellent
…with Bollington’s two church schools, St John’s and Bollington Cross. Bollington Cross comes into church for big celebration services with parents in attendance. Rev Nancy goes into both schools regularly for collective worship and is well known by all the children who enjoy her stories and songs. Rev Nancy is a school governor in both schools.