
Walking with Jesus

Catherine of Siena, who was born on 29th April, 1347, should be the patron saint of anyone who has grown up in a large family, and mastered the two vital skills for survival: how to stand up for yourself, and how to make peace with others.    Catherine had siblings! At least 19 of them, and […]


Our Patron Saint who isn’t English 

24th April:  St George’s Day          The English have a patron saint who isn’t English, about whom next to nothing is known for sure, and who, just possibly, may not have existed at all. But that didn’t stop St George being patriotically invoked in many battles, notably at Agincourt and in the Crusades, and of course it is […]


Martyrs of the Early Church

13th April:   Carpus, Papylus & Agathonice, In the month of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice of Himself for us, the martyrdoms of Carpus, Papylus and Agathonice are well worth remembering. What they said as they died could be said by the many thousands of Christians who are facing persecution all over the world today. Carpus, Papylus and Agathonice lived […]


He is risen!

9th April:  EASTER Easter is the most joyful day of the year for Christians. Christ has died for our sins. We are forgiven. Christ has risen!  We are redeemed! We can look forward to an eternity in His joy! Hallelujah!   The Good News of Jesus Christ is a message so simple that you can explain it to someone […]


Jesus and the thieves on the Cross

This mosaic crucifixion is found on a wall outside a church in Pegaia Cyprus. Photo by Paul Judson. 7th April,  Good Friday Luke’s account of the crucifixion (Luke 23:32-43) emphasises the mocking of the crowd, ‘If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself’ (35,37,39). In their view a Messiah does not hang on a cross and suffer. […]


Jesus at the gates of Jerusalem

2nd April, Palm Sunday Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, when the Church remembers how Jesus arrived at the gates of Jerusalem just a few days before the Passover was due to be held. He was the Messiah come to His own people in their capital city, and yet He came in humility, riding on a […]


The Annunciation 

25th March  This beautiful event (Luke 1:26-38) took place in Nazareth, when Mary is already betrothed to Joseph. The Archangel Gabriel comes to Mary, greets her as highly favoured, tells her not to be afraid, that she will bear a son Jesus, and that her elderly cousin Elizabeth is already pregnant (with John the Baptist). The […]


St Patrick, beloved apostle to Ireland

Today – 17th March – is St Patrick’s Day.  St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. If you’ve ever been in New York on St Patrick’s Day, you’d think he was the patron saint of New York as well… the flamboyant parade is full of American/Irish razzmatazz.   It’s all a far cry from the hard […]


Savio, the youngster who found God

A number of years ago the hit film Slumdog Millionaire touched millions of people with its story of a youngster triumphing against all the odds. Dominic Savio, whose feast day is 9th March, did the same thing. In fact, he is a good patron ‘child saint’ for children today who struggle to get anywhere in life.   He […]


Ash Wednesday – a good time to say “sorry”

Ash Wednesday, which this year is 22nd February, marks the beginning of the 40 days of Lent. Have you done something which haunts you?  Which makes you feel restless and defensive, every time you think of it? Why not deal with it this month, and put it behind you? Whatever your mistake has been, consider what […]