The cost of running St Oswald’s
Running a church is expensive! Especially with the current cost-of-living crisis.
We recorded another large deficit last year. The diocesan share that we pay, and our own ministry costs, add up to 86% of our outgoings, and we have no option not to pay these.
On the other side of the accounts, our income from people who give regularly with a Standing Order or as a Friend covers just 56% of all our outgoings. So, we have some financial challenges ahead!
Overall, it costs us over £220 per day to keep the church open. That might seem an awful lot when many of us only use the building on one day of the week!
However, if we were to look at it annually, we might think a little differently.
We have a full-time Vicar and we have 365 day support from our Diocese in all sorts of matters from helping us through safeguarding procedures, legal issues, worship guidance and yes, financial matters.
We insure our building and all our activities for every day of the year and this costs over £3000. This year we have also paid over £3000 for gas, electricity and water; and it costs us to look after the churchyard at St John’s; and we publish a monthly magazine; and much more!
BUT – we are here for the community of Bollington by being the Parish Church of Bollington.
St Oswald’s is always available for those big life events such as weddings, baptisms and funeral, and also it can be hired for other events such as concerts. So, it is important that we look after our church.
How you can support St Oswald’s
Many people support us through regular monthly giving. Others give as and when they can.
We are very grateful to those people who support the work of our church, and we welcome any sort of donation.
If you feel you can help with a one-off gift or an increase in your giving, or you would like to privately discuss any sort of donation, please contact Richard Raymond our Treasurer, on either 01625 612025 or at: richard.raymond109@gmail.com
Any size of gift will be gratefully received. For cheques, our bank account name is ‘The Anglican Parish of Bollington PCC’. For online purposes, our details are on the Standing Order forms at the back of church so please do take one of these. Or just see Richard! Thank you.
Alternatively, if you wished to make a one-off donation to the work of St Oswald’s, our bank account name is ‘The Anglican Parish of Bollington PCC’. Our account number is 39536416 and the sort code is 01-05-41, or do talk to Richard.