Pattern of Services
Every Thursday we have Holy Communion at 10.30am (45mins). This is a short service, mostly attended by retired people, many of whom stay seated throughout. We then have a relaxed and friendly coffee, chat and nice biscuits a lovely sociable time each week. Come along and try it.
Everyone is welcome to Bollington Parish Church every Sunday morning at 10.30am.
Each 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sunday we have a service of Holy Communion with hymns at 10.30am (75 mins). We have organ, choir, traditional hymns, Bible readings and prayers. If you enjoy a good sing this is a service for you. The sermon might make you think, or it might make you laugh, or hopefully a bit of both.
On the First Sunday of the month we have our popular and highly regarded All Age Family Worship at 10.30am – 11.15am. In this structured but informal service you will experience God’s presence with a mixture of contemporary and traditional songs and prayers. There are interactive prayer activities for all. This service is regularly attended by 1 year olds and 91 year olds and many ages in between. Bring some holiness and joy to your Sunday morning once a month.
On the First Sunday of the month there is a said service of Holy Communion at 9.15am.
On the Third Sunday of the month we have a more informal Holy Communion at 10.30am.
Every Sunday 10.30am service is followed by coffee/juice/biscuits and chat.
Come along sometime, particularly if you’ve not been to church for a while.