
30 years since women ordained – now our curate joins them!

This month our curate, the Revd Dr Jenny Eade, is ordained a priest (15th June). She joins a good few other women in Chester Diocese who are also priests. It is reckoned that over a third of all clergy in the C of E are now women. This article looks back on how it all […]


Why your television is like the Trinity 

Here is a trick question: How many colours does your television set use?  Answer: Just three: red, green and blue. And in that order, just like a rainbow (where reds are at one side, blues at the opposite side, green in the middle). This is known as “RGB”. These are TV’s three primary colours which, when […]


The Truth of the Ascension

‘While He was blessing them, Jesus left them and was taken up into heaven.’ (Luke 24:51). The Ascension is a hugely neglected festival, which deserves to have a bigger place in our church life. How do we understand it? The Ascension tells us that Jesus is in control: ‘Jesus has gone into heaven and is at God’s […]


The Treasure of Easter!

It’s amazing what treasure can be unearthed with metal detectors! In this season of Easter, let’s rediscover the greatest unburied treasure of the Resurrection. The Apostle Peter reminds us that God ‘has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can […]


An Easter reflection

“When you die, that’s it. Nothing. Out like a light.” That’s what the man in the pub said, and his mates all nodded, though the one whose mother had died the week before wasn’t really quite so certain. Still, it seemed to make sense.  After all, we know what ‘dead’ means: dead leaves, dead batteries, […]


‘Lenten Valentines’

This month both Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fall on the same day! The link between the two can be summed up in terms of the nature of real love! Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday, focuses on learning to love God more, as we give Him space in our lives. This is what Jesus found […]


New Year Resolutions

Last year (2023) 30 million people in the UK made New Year resolutions, with health (28%), money (27%), family (24%) and self-improvement (21%) topping the charts for the most common resolutions. However, surveys suggest that most people lasted seven weeks before giving them up and 21% only lasted for a month before giving up. What […]


The Heart of Christmas 

We’re at that time of year again! But is Christmas just about the shopping, tree or presents? At its heart, Christmas is all about a God who has showed up on earth. The Creator of the universe, whose hands flung stars into space, cared enough to come to earth as a tiny baby.  ‘The Word became […]


How to Deal with Enemies

In the season of Remembrance, we consider those who have heroically given their lives in war. However, Jesus calls all of us to a radical heroism in our daily lives: ‘You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who […]


Bible Sunday – 29th October At the recent Coronation the King was given a Bible with the words ‘the most valuable thing that this world affords’. As Bible Sunday is celebrated this month, let’s ask why we should read the Bible? The Bible isn’t a single book, but a library of 66 books, composed by some 44 […]